Dogs straining at the leash. Gasping for breath. Owners being pulled along with arms being pulled out of shoulder sockets.
That's not that much fun is it?
Dog owners long for a relaxing calm walk with their four legged friend where they can both enjoy the experience and return home calm and refreshed.
Teaching your dog to walk well on a lead is a journey. Don't believe the TV programs that show one quick home visit from a dog trainer and all will be solved! It takes time and a bit of patience. But it is achievable.
Making sure you have the right equipment for walking your dog is a start. Making sure you know why your dog is pulling is another important point. Are they over excited? Are they anxious? Where are you walking your dog? can the route be changed to make it calmer and more relaxed for you and your dog. There is lots to consider.
Contact us here at Fen Acre Dog training and we can help and support you on your loose lead journey.